We strive to help you build your wealth by investing smarter, faster and easier through a single platform.
Seize control of the stock market and get set for real results as you connect with users within the VI Community through the app’s Social Bubbles. VI App simplifies all the key essential ratios which makes businesses easier to understand, and identifies winning stocks across 25 stock exchanges, 4 continents and 42,000 companies to compound your wealth.
Within the VI App, you can be assured of deeper insights into business models, accounting risk, intrinsic value, and easily track your personal watchlist of stocks, gains and losses – across multiple portfolios – in one place.
Powered by technology
Distils complex stock analysis processes into easy-to-use visuals with a comprehensive framework
Unique and practical
Promotes investor education and knowledge exchange on a single platform
Integrated offering on a single app
Integrates programme offerings of VI College on a simple app
VI Screener
Search and screen companies with great potential that suit your investment preference in seconds
VI Watchlist
Potential companies to watch, organised into one space, with consolidated view of companies for easy monitoring, and notifications when opportunities arise
VI Portfolio
Keeps a record of investment positions, allows tracking and monitoring and shows portfolio performance at a glance
VI Social Bubble
Social media module for all users which encourages exchange of investment opinions and ideas, aggregates market sentiments and improves important information flow
VI Analysis
• VI Risk Rating – Identifies high-risk stocks, corporate governance issues or accounting treatments, vigorously supported by backtesting
• VI Star Chart – Comprehensive snapshot of a company’s performance based on profitability, financial health, growth, assets and dividends
• VI Line – Smart algorithms to calculate intrinsic value of a company, calculates Margin-of-Safety based on different valuation methods and provides quick overview of valuation vs price of companies